Algebraic charge liquids


  1. Hole motion in a quantum Neel state, S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 39, 12232 (1989).
  2. Hole dynamics in an antiferromagnet across a deconfined quantum critical point, R. K. Kaul, A. Kolezhuk, M. Levin, S. Sachdev, and T. Senthil, Physical Review B 75 , 235122 (2007); cond-mat/0702119.
  3. Algebraic charge liquids, R. K. Kaul, Y. B. Kim, S. Sachdev, and T. Senthil, Nature Physics 4, 28 (2008); arXiv:0706.2187.
  4. Insulator-metal transition on the triangular lattice, Y. Qi and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 77, 165112 (2008); arXiv:0711.1538.
  5. Quantum magnetism and criticality, S. Sachdev, Nature Physics 4, 173 (2008); arXiv:0711.3015.
  6. Quantum criticality of U(1) gauge theories with fermionic and bosonic matter in two spatial dimensions, R. Kaul and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 77, 155105 (2008); arXiv:0801.0723.
  7. Destruction of Neel order in the cuprates by electron-doping, R. K. Kaul, M. A. Metlitski, S. Sachdev and C. Xu, Physical Review B 78, 045110 (2008); arXiv:0804.1794.
  8. Quantum phase transitions beyond the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm and supersymmetry, S. Sachdev and X. Yin, Annals of Physics 325, 2 (2010); arXiv:0808.0191.
  9. Paired electron pockets in the hole-doped cuprates, V. M. Galitski and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 79, 134512 (2009); arXiv:0901.0005. (Subject acl)
  10. Exotic phases and quantum phase transitions: model systems and experiments, S. Sachdev, Rapporteur talk, Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter: Proceedings of the 24th Solvay Conference on Physics, Bertrand Halperin editor, World Scientific (2010), arXiv:0901.4103
  11. Competition between spin density wave order and superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates, E. G. Moon and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 80, 035117 (2009); arXiv:0905.2608.
  12. Fluctuating spin density waves in metals, S. Sachdev, M. A. Metlitski, Y. Qi, and C. Xu, Physical Review B 80, 155129 (2009); arXiv:0907.3732.
  13. de Haas-van Alphen oscillations for non-relativistic fermions coupled to an emergent U(1) gauge field, L. Fritz and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 82, 045123 (2010); arXiv:0910.4917.
  14. Effective theory of Fermi pockets in fluctuating antiferromagnets, Y. Qi and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 81, 115129 (2010); arXiv:0912.0943.
  15. The underdoped cuprates as fractionalized Fermi liquids: transition to superconductivity, E. G. Moon and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 83, 224508 (2011); arXiv:1010.4567