Transport near quantum critical points

A large number of experimental systems in two dimensions display strong crossovers in their transport properties when their conductance is close to the quantum unit of conductance, e2/h. This is usually associated with a nearby quantum-critical point. In a theoretical description of such transport, it is crucial to pay attention to the relative values of the measurement frequency, w, and the absolute temperature, kBT/h. As discussed in paper 1, the conventional perturbative computation of the conductance holds only in the phase-coherent regime, hw >> kBT. In the experimentally more relevant low frequency regime hw << kBT, the transport is dominated by collisions between the thermally excited particles, and is described by a solution of the quantum Boltzmann equation. Because of the vicinity of a quantum-critical point, the collision cross-section is universally determined by the only available energy scale, kBT, as is the density of excitations. Consequently the solution of the quantum Boltzmann equation leads to a conductance which is a universal number times e2/h.

A series of recent experiments have explored the crossovers as a function of frequency and temperature near the metal-insulator transition in an amorphous three-dimensional semiconductor: H.-L. Lee et al., Physical Review Letters 80, 4261 (1998) and Science 287, 633 (2000).


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