Superconductivity of correlated electron systems


  1. Inelastic scattering and pair breaking in anisotropic and isotropic superconductors, A.J. Millis, S. Sachdev, and C.M. Varma, Physical Review B 37, 4975 (1988).
  2. Superconductivity of itinerant electrons coupled to spin chains, S. Sachdev and R. Shankar, Physical Review B 38, 826 (1988).
  3. Large N expansion for frustrated and doped quantum antiferromagnets, S. Sachdev and N. Read, International Journal of Modern Physics B 5, 219 (1991); cond-mat/0402109.
  4. Pairing in two dimensions: a systematic approach, S. Sachdev and Z. Wang, Physical Review B 43, 10229 (1991).
  5. Superconducting, metallic, and insulating phases in a model of CuO2 layers, J. Ye and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 44, 10173 (1991).
  6. Competing orders and quantum criticality in doped antiferromagnets, M. Vojta, Y. Zhang, and S. Sachdev, Physical Review B 62, 6721 (2000); cond-mat/0003163.
  7. Bond operator theory of doped antiferromagnets: from Mott insulators with bond-centered charge order, to superconductors with nodal fermions, K. Park and S. Sachdev, cond-mat/0104519.
  8. Fractionalized Fermi liquids, T. Senthil, S. Sachdev, and M. Vojta, Physical Review Letters 90, 216403 (2003); cond-mat/0209144.